Knowledge Corner



It is the policy of Hockey Nova Scotia (HNS) that there shall be no abuse or bullying, whether physical, emotional or sexual of any participant in any of its programs. Hockey Nova Scotia and Hockey Canada expects every parent, volunteer and staff member to take all reasonable steps to safeguard the welfare of its participants and protect them from any form of maltreatment.

Further, HNS expects that no volunteer should experience abuse or bullying, whether physical, emotional or sexual as a result of any parent or guardian of a participant.

To ensure the safety and enjoyment of all players and volunteers, whether coach, assistant Coach, trainer, manager or administrator, this policy will strictly be adhered to.

  1. Membership Applications:
  2. During the registration process, each Member will be advised that the Dispute Resolution Policy is on the Hockey Nova Scotia Website and the Minor Hockey Association website.
  3. Should any Member cease to be in good standing, in order for the Membership to continue, the Member not in good standing will have to be replaced. In order to be approved the new/replacement Application must include payment of any outstanding fees, including any costs imposed under paragraph 8(b) of this Policy and and the pro-rata share (number of remaining complete weeks to March 31 divided by 22) for the basic local hockey association and for the new/replacement Application fee, also on a pro-rata basis. Provided these conditions are met the new/replacement Membership Application will automatically be approved and considered an extension of the original Application.  As it relates to revocation or suspension of a Membership, no sanction against any player will be taken until at least 72 hours after notice is provided to a Member that they are not long in Good Standing. This time can allow time for the new/replacement Application to be submitted and processed.
  4. Associations will incorporate this Dispute Resolution Policy in either their Bylaws or Policies and Practices.
  1. Investigation Procedures:

At Association (MHA) Level:

  1. If, after a Proper Investigation by the Officers of the Association, a Member is found to have engaged in Inappropriate Conduct and thereby failed to comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Association, the Officers of the Association are empowered to:
  • issue to the Member a letter of warning, or
  • require the Member to participate in a mediation process (see Appendix A for options), or
  • suspend the Member for up to 30 days, and/or (such suspension has no impact on the membership)
  • where the Member has engaged, in particular, inappropriate physical and/or vocal behavior, restrict the Member’s privileges to attend games and/or practices at Association rinks, or team activities.
  1. The Member may appeal the findings and directives of the Association to HNS in accordance with HNS By-Laws.
  2. Nothing herein restricts the power of the Association to make a complaint to the police where the inappropriate behavior is deemed to be criminal.
  3. If a Member fails to comply with the terms of any suspension or restriction imposed under paragraph 5 or, the inappropriate conduct continues, the Association may request Hockey Nova Scotia to review the Member’s status.

At the Hockey Nova Scotia (HNS) Level:

  1. HNS agrees to make use of Protection of Property Agreements when/where appropriate.
  2. Should an Association request a review of a Member’s status or a Member appeals the findings of or sanctions imposed by the Association, Hockey Nova Scotia will attempt to resolve the matter with the Member and the Association through facilitating a meeting through either a mediator, restorative facilitator or the Executive Director of Hockey Nova Scotia. Hockey Nova Scotia will select the facilitation process and incur any upfront costs.
  3. Should an Association issue any type of sanction to the Member, which is not authorized under paragraph B.1. of this Policy, including removing the Player from play, the Member(s) may immediately request the Executive Director of Hockey Nova Scotia to remove the sanction and direct the Association to follow the procedures as contained within this Policy.
  4. Should the process in paragraph B.6. not result in an agreed resolution, Hockey Nova Scotia, through the Executive Director may:
  5. revoke any sanctions imposed by the Association for reasons, including and not limited to, the ground that a fair process was not followed prior to the Association deeming the Member exhibited Inappropriate Conduct;
  6. issue a further letter of warning against the Member, including the requirement of the Member to reimburse HNS for all of the costs associated with the efforts of HNS, as referred to in paragraph B.6. above, including the cost of the mediator, etc. to a maximum of $500. If this administrative fee is not paid by the Member within 14 days, the Membership is suspended and the Member is not a Member in good standing until such time as the administrative fee is paid.
  1. declare a full revocation of the Member’s Membership resulting in the membership not being in good standing. Revocation would be effective 72 hours from the time in which the decision was communicated to the Member at the address (including email address) provided by the Member at the time of registration.
  2. in the case of those having engaged in inappropriate physical and/or vocal behavior issue a Protection of Property Notice resulting in the Member being barred from all rinks used by Hockey Nova Scotia
  3. Definitions:

Membership: is an approved Application (“Application”) with all of the individuals on the Application being in good standing with the Minor Hockey Association (“Association”).

Members: are the individuals listed on the approved membership Application, being in good standing with the Association. These persons include parents, guardians and the player.

Good Standing: a Member is in good standing until such time as the membership is suspended or revoked.

Inappropriate Conduct: conduct unacceptable to the Association as determined by a

Discipline Committee, including but not limited to, inappropriate physical and/or vocal abusive behavior or persistent harassment of volunteers within the Association.

Hockey Record: the written record of a Dispute Resolution meeting conducted

by Hockey Nova Scotia

Fair Play Code

Fair Play Code for Parents

  1. I will not force my child to participate in hockey.
    2. I will remember that my child plays hockey for his or her enjoyment, not for mine.
    3. I will encourage my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.
    4. I will teach my child that doing one’s best is as important as winning so that my child will never feel defeated by the outcome of a game.
    5. I will make my child feel like a winner every time by offering praise for competing fairly and trying hard.
    6. I will never ridicule or yell at my child for making a mistake or losing a game.
    7. I will remember that children learn best by example. I will applaud good plays/performances by both my child’s team and their opponents.
    8. I will never question the officials’ judgment or honesty in public.
    9. I will support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from children’s hockey games.
    10. I will respect and show appreciation for the volunteer Coaches and
    administrators who give their time to coach and provide hockey for my child.

Fair Play Code for Spectators

  1. I will remember that participants play hockey for their enjoyment. They are not playing to entertain me.
    2. I will not have unrealistic expectations. I will remember that players are not professionals and cannot be judged by professional standards.
    3. I will respect the officials’ decisions and I will encourage participants to do the same.
    4. I will never ridicule a player for making a mistake during a game. I will give positive comments that motivate and encourage continued effort.
    5. I will condemn the use of violence in any form and will express my disapproval in an appropriate manner to coaches and league officials.
    6. I will show respect for my team’s opponents because without them there would be no game.
    7. I will not use bad language, nor will I harass players, coaches, officials or other spectators.

Fair Play Code for Coaches

  1. I will be reasonable when scheduling games and practices, remembering that players have other interests and obligations.
    2. I will teach my players to play fairly and to respect the rules, officials and opponents.
    3. I will ensure that all players get equal instruction, support and playing time.
    4. I will not ridicule or yell at my players for making mistakes or for performing poorly. I will remember that players play to have fun and must be encouraged to have confidence in themselves.
    5. I will make sure that equipment and facilities are safe and match the players’ ages and abilities.
    6. I will remember that participants need a coach they can respect. I will be generous with praise and set a good example.
    7. I will obtain proper training and continue to upgrade my coaching skills.
    8. I will work in cooperation with officials for the benefit of the game.

Fair Play Code for Players

  1. I will play hockey because I want to, not just because others or coaches want me to.
    2. I will play by the rules of hockey, and in the spirit of the game.
    3. I will control my temper – fighting and “mouthing off” can spoil the activity for everybody.
    4. I will respect my opponents.
    5. I will do my best to be a true team player.
    6. I will remember that winning isn’t everything – that having fun, improving skills, making friends and doing my best are also important.
    7. I will acknowledge all good plays/performances – those of my team and of my opponents.
    8. I will remember that coaches and officials are there to help me. I will accept their decisions and show them respect.

Fair Play Code for Officials

  1. I will make sure that every player has a reasonable opportunity to perform to the best of his or her ability, within the limits of the rules.
    2. I will avoid or put an end to any situation that threatens the safety of the players.
    3. I will maintain a healthy atmosphere and environment for competition.
    4. I will not permit the intimidation of any player either by word or by action. I will not tolerate unacceptable conduct toward myself, other officials, players or spectators.
    5. I will be consistent and objective in calling all infractions, regardless of my personal feelings toward a team or individual player.
    6. I will handle all conflicts firmly but with dignity.
    7. I accept my role as a teacher and role model for fair play, especially with young participants.
    8. I will be open to discussion and contact with the players before and after the game.
    9. I will remain open to constructive criticism and show respect and consideration for different points of view.
    10. I will obtain proper training and continue to upgrade my officiating skills.
    11. I will work in cooperation with coaches for the benefit of the game.

Fair Play Code for League Organizers

1. I will do my best to see that all players are given the same chance to participate, regardless of gender, ability, ethnic background or race.
2. I will absolutely discourage, any sport program from becoming primarily an entertainment for the spectator.
3. I will make sure that all equipment and facilities are safe and match the athletes’ ages and abilities.
4. I will make sure that the age and maturing level of the participants are considered in program development, rule enforcement and scheduling.
5. I will remember that play is done for its own sake and make sure that winning is kept in proper perspective.
6. I will distribute the fair play codes to spectators, coaches, athletes, officials, parents and media.
7. I will make sure that coaches and officials are capable of promoting fair play as well as the development of good technical skills and I will encourage them to become certified. 

Mandatory Respect in Sport Parent Program
Mandatory Respect in Sport Parent Program

– Effective 2012, ALL PARENTS (one from each household) of IP and Novice aged players must take the Respect in Sport Parent Program at their cost ($12).
– If the parent program is not complete by Dec. 1st, their child will be ineligible to participate in HNS sanctioned programs.
– Effective 2013, ALL PARENTS of newly registered players with Hockey Nova Scotia regardless of level must take the Respect in Sport Parent Program.

Refer to the Respect in Sport icon under Risk Management on the Hockey Nova Scotia webpage for further information and how to register for this program.

Coaching Tools


  1. You will need to purchase 4in x 2in white mailing labels. You can get packages of 250 from Staples for around $10.
  2. Download template and fill in your team information.
  3. Print

Medical Forms  – DOWNLOAD HERE


Parents Letter Example   – DOWNLOAD HERE

All Volunteers at all levels

All volunteers at all levels – Regardless of position as coach, assistant coach, trainer or manager registered with any minor hockey team or association must complete the HNS screening process of Criminal Records and Child Abuse Registry checks. Criminal Records and Child abuse Registry checks must be resubmitted every 3 years.
All volunteers at all levels – Regardless of position as coach, assistant coach, trainer or manager registered with any minor hockey team or association must complete the Speakout course or take the Respect in Sport online course as well as the Return to Play online course. 
Coach Certification, What do I need?
Initiation Program U7 – All on-ice instructors/coaches/assistants must complete the Intro Coach program along with the Risk Management screening and course above.
U9 – All on-ice instructors/coaches/assistants at all Novice levels, Development, Intermediate and advancing, must complete the Intro Coach program along with the Risk Management screening and course above.
U11, U13, U15, U18 House – All on-ice instructors/coaches/assistants must complete the Intro Coach program along with the Risk Management screening and course above and at least one bench staff must have the Hockey Canada Safety Program (HCSP).

U11, U13, U15, U18 AAA, AA, A, and U15B – All Coaches/Assistants/On Ice Instructors must complete the NCCP Development Stream A level clinic, the Hockey Canada Safety Program (HCSP), along with the Risk Management screening and course above.
U11, U13, U15, U18 AAA, AA, A, B, C – All trainers, non-ice bench personnel must complete the Hockey Canada Safety Program (HCSP), along with the Risk Management screening and course above. This personnel are not permitted to go on the ice to instruct or assist with practice unless they have the appropriate coach certification.
Special Circumstances

All volunteers at all levels – Regardless of position as coach, assistant coach, on ice instructor, trainer, or manager registered with any minor hockey team or association must complete the Risk management requirements by December 1stof the year they start their involvement.
All Coaches/Assistants/On Ice Instructors – Requiring NCCP Coach and HCSP certification must take one of the two courses in their first year of involvement. It is recommended that coaches take the NCCP certification first, however, at least one member of the coaching staff must have the NCCP certification if all coaches are in their first year.
There are no exceptions to the certification requirements and it is the responsibility of the coach and his/her Minor Hockey Association to ensure all requirements are met.

Questions? Contact Charla Strang


Games and Practice: Warmup Exercises

Before you begin any training program or competition, it is important to make sure that you have properly warmed up. This will ensure that your body is ready for whatever you are going to put it through. A proper warm-up will also help to prevent injury and help you to begin focusing on the task at hand.


– Always utilize your entire body when performing your warm-up. Do not limit it to a specific area of your body only.
– Warming up must comprise movements related to the game situations that lie ahead. This improves and sharpens nerve innervations.
– Warming up exercises should be done systematically/slowly, they should not be the quick/jerky type.
– Do not hold breath when exercising, but inhale and exhale deeply.
After a long trip (ie. Drive to an out of town tournament), a good warm-up is essential. This helps to stretch the muscle, and maintain the flexibility of various muscle joints.

The benefits of warming up are in 3 areas:

1. Physical Changes:
– The player’s neuro-muscular coordination improves. Hockey is played with a stick, and it is essential for you to have good neuro-muscular coordination, in order to perform at higher level.
– Muscles/joints are fine-tuned and the joint flexibility/mobility increases – injury is minimized.
– Stretching and loosening effect in skeleton muscles. Muscular function is accelerated according to the needs of the game.
2. Psychological Changes:
– Confidence level increases – You can easily overcome anxiety/tension/pressure before the game.
– Warming up creates a constructive outlet for your negative feelings.
3. Physiological Changes:
– Through a good warm up, the efficiency of muscular contraction increases to its optimum. The speed of contraction may be increased approximately 20% by raising the body temperature.
– The physiological benefits of raising muscle temperature through proper warm up, prior to the actual game include:
– Reduced muscle viscosity
– Increased rate of chemical synthesis of contraction and recovery
– Improvement in blood circulation

Standard Warm-up Exercises
If you are in an area that has enough room, and you have enough time, to do a proper Warm-up, then it is preferable. The Warm-up should last approximately 15 to 20 Minutes. It should start off slowly and progress from there. The Warm-up should try to mimic the types of movements that an athlete will be doing in the upcoming activity.

High Knee Walks
High Knee Walks are a great warm up and stretching exercise to help stretch the lower extremities. Maybe more importantly it helps to teach the joints and associated musculature to increase the range of motion. This will obviously help to improve stride length that in turn will help improve speed.
When performing the high knee walk it is important to keep your head up, back straight and slowly and intentionally pull your leg up to your chest as you walk. Lower the leg to the ground as you step forward and then pull the other leg up to your chest. Be sure to pull the leg up to your chest as high as possible and DO NOT lower your chest to your leg.

Long Strides
This is a great dynamic warm-up for the hips and more importantly the hip flexors. It is important to make sure the hip flexors are long and elastic to ensure your stride is long and powerful.
To perform the long stride start in a standing position and simply step out in an exaggerated stride and lower your hips to the floor. You should feel a stretch in the groin/hip flexor area. Make sure your knee does not pass the toes and make sure to keep your head up and back straight. Bring the back foot back to the front and return to the standing position and repeat as you step out with the other foot.

Butt Kicks
This is a great dynamic warm-up for the hips, quads and hip flexors. Simply begin running in a forward direction. Back straight, head up and upper extremities working as normal. With each step you will kick your butt with your heel. Perform this very quickly kicking your butt and then lowering it as quickly as possible. Perform in sets of 10-15 yards.

Straight Leg Toe Touches
Straight leg toe touches are a great way to stretch the hamstrings/buttocks in a dynamic way. It will also help increase stride length by teaching the joints and associated musculature to increase the hip range of motion. It is important when performing the exercise to make sure your back is straight. Also make sure the lower extremities are warm prior to performing this exercise. You can do this by performing other dynamic stretches first or by lightly jogging for a few minutes.

Backward High Knee Walk/Long Stride
Start off facing backwards. As in the high knee walk you will want to bring your knee to your chest.The leg should be slightly bent when extended and you should try to touch your opposite hand to the toes. (right hand touches left foot). Try to keep the opposite leg straight with minimal bend. Keep head up as well. Lower the foot to the ground and then step out with your other foot. Each time you should be taking a step forward.

Lateral Strides
This is a great functional warm up for the groin muscles. Now instead of simply placing it on the ground you will perform a long stride backwards. It is important that you take a wide base to help you keep your balance. Move back up to the standing position bringing your front leg backwards. Then repeat with the opposite leg.
Start in the standing position with your knees slightly bent. Hips and shoulders are square and facing directly forward. Keeping your toes straight ahead and maintaining the bent knee position step out to the side. You should feel a stretch in the groin area. Bring your following foot in to midline and step out again. Make sure you perform the exercise in both directions facing the same way.

Hockey Nova Scotia Winter Travel Protocol

TO: All Hockey Nova Scotia members
FROM: Hockey Nova Scotia Risk Management Committee
DATE: January 22, 2020

SUBJECT: Hockey Nova Scotia winter travel protocol

In the case of bad weather and/or poor road conditions that may prevent teams and on-ice

officials from safely traveling on highways to games, the following protocols are to be used:
The safety of the players and on-ice officials is the primary concern. However, teams should make
every effort to play scheduled games when possible.

• Contact Road Conditions – 511 (or 1.888.780.4440 outside Nova Scotia):
Road Conditions –511 can be accessed by telephone or online. It is an official source of
transportation information necessary to plan safe trips across Nova Scotia. It is also the place to report
weather conditions or an incident on Nova Scotia’s major highways. The information covers
highway conditions, roadwork, major incidents, weather alerts, availability of ferry services and
park information. Users within Nova Scotia may access the information via phone toll-free by
calling 5-1-1 (similar to the way they would call 9-1-1 for emergencies or 4-1-1 for directory
assistance). Computer and mobile device users may visit the 511 websites at 511.novascotia.ca.

• If weather warnings or alerts are in effect during the window of scheduled travel to and/or
from the destination arena, the traveling team officials are to make the decision if the game is
to be canceled based on all available information.

• If weather warnings or alerts are not in effect when the local conditions would adversely
affect safe travel, the home team officials are to advise the traveling team and a decision is made
to cancel the game. Further, the traveling team can also cancel the game when local conditions
would adversely affect safe travel.

• If a game is canceled, the traveling team officials are to contact the head coach or manager
of the home team and advise them of the decision not to travel and that game cancellation is
necessary. The traveling team officials are also to advise the Regional Director, Conference
Coordinator, or League Officer responsible for game schedules.

• The home team is to advise the on-ice officials that the scheduled game is canceled.

• Games canceled due to inclement weather may be postponed or rescheduled.

• The foregoing protocol is meant to help teams make appropriate decisions regarding the
safety of their players and officials. Parents may also make decisions regarding the safe
transportation of their own children on Nova Scotia highways. Parents may choose not to travel
under certain weather conditions. Hockey Nova Scotia supports the parent’s rights to make
these decisions.

• Hockey Nova Scotia does not monitor highway conditions or team’s schedules.

Group Travel: When a team is traveling outside of parental transportation and/or supervision,
it is recommended that a passenger and route manifest (including an itinerary outlining
scheduled stops as well as departure and arrival times) be created and distributed. A contact
person should be identified prior to departure. This person should be responsible for
communicating important information, especially in the event of an emergency.

Risk Management Committee
Hockey Nova Scotia

Click the link to download the document: Hockey Nova Scotia Winter Travel Protocolall be known as The Shelburne County Minor Hockey Association, hereinafter referred to as SCMHA.

Code of Conduct

Shelburne County Minor Hockey Association Code of Conduct

The intent of the Code of Conduct is to ensure the environment in which minor hockey activities take place is as positive as possible for all participants. We strive to offer a hockey program for players, team officials (coaches/trainers/managers), and parents, which promotes fun and respect for all in a cooperative atmosphere. The SCMHA Executive, coaching staff, and others involved in minor hockey are community volunteers working together to provide a meaningful recreational program for all players enrolled in SCMHA. All participants should have the opportunity to enjoy their involvement in the hockey program free from improper or inappropriate influences and criticism. SCMHA also recognizes the need to have guidelines for a standard of behavior expected of all participants and appropriate measures to deal with those instances in which behavior exhibited is not in the best interest of SCMHA and all concerned. As a result of the above, the guidelines as stated below shall apply to all involved in the SCMHA hockey program. Our code of conduct is built upon the guiding principles of SCMHA (as detailed on our website) and reflects the Hockey Canada philosophy that states “it is a privilege to play minor hockey, not a right”. The SCMHA Code of Conduct also adheres to Hockey Canada mission statement:

“We dedicate ourselves to the advancement of amateur hockey for all individuals through progressive leadership by ensuring meaningful opportunities and enjoyable experiences in a safe, sportsmanlike environment”.


The “Code of Conduct” adopted by SCMHA is understood to apply to all SCMHA members. The basic objectives of the program are:

 1. To foster and enhance mutual respect, understanding, and the principles of good sportsmanship amongst all participants during minor hockey events.

2. To promote safety and respect, ensure a fun, enjoyment, and good competition at any minor hockey event.

3. The elimination of behaviors and actions which detract from a positive environment in which minor hockey games should take place.

4. Zero tolerance of any forms of abuse and/or harassment during minor hockey events from any participants.

It is considered unfair to expect Association volunteer executive members or other volunteers who are at minor hockey events to step into certain ‘heated’ situations simply because they happen to be at that particular event. The responsibility of acting should not fall onto the volunteers alone. It is considered the responsibility of all participants to be accountable for any inappropriate situation(s) at any minor hockey event. Participants are encouraged to use common sense, rationally evaluate the situation, and act accordingly. It is considered everyone’s responsibility, including non-executive participants to become involved in attaining the goals set out in a Code of Conduct. The burden of the Code of Conduct is put onto everyone’s shoulders. The Code of Conduct includes a process to educate all participants indicating that they are as accountable as everyone else in preventing incidents and resolving incidents should they occur. Participant groups must learn not to “pass the puck”.


1. Advertise zero tolerance of inappropriate behavior at minor hockey events. This is done with arena posters, SCMHA website, team information notices, team meetings, and including such information in association registration forms.

2. Educate participants.  At pre-season registrations, all participants should be given information to educate them that inappropriate behavior at minor hockey events by either home and/or away participants will not be tolerated.  It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure appropriate behavior at rinks.

3. Association registration forms. A brief outline of the expectations of every participant will be detailed on the forms. Every participant signing the registration form indicates agreement to abide by the program.

4. In pamphlet form provided to each family during manager’s initial meeting following team selection.

Guiding Principles: 

·        We believe in a safe and comfortable atmosphere in all aspects of our operations.

·       We believe all participants should present themselves in a respectful and professional manner.

·       We believe in a team-oriented game with strong individual skill development and we support the execution of SCMHA’s Coaching Concepts at all levels.

·       We believe in a strong work ethic and proper preparation

·       We believe participants (including parents) must be respectful of each other both in what they say and do.

·       We believe all participants must exhibit a focused and committed attitude in addition to their playing ability and skills.

·        We believe players must be encouraged to have confidence in their own ability.

·        We believe participants must have respect for the officials regardless of the call.

·        We play to win but we accept defeat as part of the game.

·        We believe coaching should be left to the staff.


Complaints and Sanctions:

1.1              All complaints, concerns or questions related to incidents that violate SCMHA’s Guiding Principles within a team setting must first be expressed to the team manager. We promote the 24-hour cooling-off period prior to such action to ensure that communication is well thought out and to allow emotions to be controlled. The manager of the team is required to fill out an Incident Report Sheet and keep it on file.

1.2              In the event that the concern cannot be resolved at the team level (takes into account incidents not related to a specific team), the complaint must be submitted in writing to a member of the SCMHA Executive. The SCMHA Incident Report form may be used as a template for a written complaint.

Examples may regard, but are not limited to: the operation of the Association; unresolved conflicts with the coaching staff, parents, game or practice incidents (not referee game decisions); member’s actions which may constitute inappropriate behavior, be contrary to SCMHA’s Code of Conduct Policy, or HNS’s policies and bylaws as outlined in the HNS Constitution.

1.3     Written complaints received shall be included in the agenda of the next meeting of the executive, although the Executive prior to this meeting may at the President’s discretion, start an investigation of the complaint.  For issues of a serious nature, the President may call a special meeting of the Executive to ensure prompt resolution.

1.4     Discussion of complaints of a sensitive or personal nature at an executive meeting will NOT be open to the general membership and shall be kept confidential. Members of the Executive are required to declare a conflict of interest in matters where their vote could potentially result in their own personal benefit. Members shall not vote in such instances. The Executive will make rulings where the question of a conflict of interest arises.

1.5     If required, the President will appoint a Disciplinary Committee, comprising of 3 Committee members, to review the complaints/infractions that are written and signed submissions.

1.6    Disciplinary measures can include restitution, apology, the requirement to participate in educational courses (i.e. Speak Out), coach/player/parent suspensions.

        SCMHA uses a progressive discipline policy, in that penalties for breaches of this code of conduct are more severe for repeat offenses. 

1.7    An Appeal Committee, as outlined in the HNS Constitution, shall be convened by HNS to hear appeals from decisions rendered by the Disciplinary Committee when necessary. 

1.8    All properly filed complaints shall receive a written reply.


Four Step CAP (Corrective Action Process)

Step One  SCMHA is made aware of an incident (in writing or reported verbally) that is in violation of the association’s Guiding Principles and launches an investigation as per 1.3 inclusive of notification to the offender that the matter is under review and that they are encouraged to submit an account of the matter within 24 hours of notification. SCMHA  will provide a ruling on the matter, document the incident and issue an official warning of where the individual is relative to the progressive disciplinary procedure and will request a written apology if deemed necessary. Failure to comply with any request from PCMHA or any further insubordination will result in an immediate progression to Step Two.

Step Two – In the event that there is a progression or continuation of issues specific to the same individual (or family), SCMHA will immediately request participation in a hearing before the Disciplinary Committee and the individual will be requested to have no further contact with the team (not permitted to be in the rink) until the hearing is completed. Step Two can include a variety of disciplinary measures as outlined in 1.6. Failure to appear as requested will result in a progression to Step Three.

Step Three  In the event that there is a need for an additional investigation involving the same individual or family and if it is determined that they are behaving in a manner contrary to SCMHA ‘s Guiding Principles, the individual could be suspended from any further contact with the association for a short term.

Step Four – In the event, there is any further action required by SCMHA, the entire family (including the player) could be suspended from any further participation within the association. Reinstatement the following calendar year will be with the understanding that any new activity will automatically escalate to Step Two.  Long-term suspension could also occur in conjunction with Hockey Nova Scotia’s Code of Conduct.

Concussion info

The following information is from Hockey Canada: 

Because of the contact nature of the game and the speed with which it is played, the brain is vulnerable to injury. Trauma may occur through direct contact to the head or face or indirectly through a whiplash effect. Injuries to the brain are characterized by an altered state of consciousness. It is the altered state of consciousness that is the key thing to look for with any head injury.

NOTE: Children are more sensitive to the effects of a concussion and may need to have a longer period of rest prior to returning to activity and the sport.

A concussion is a common injury, but since they cannot be detected on x-rays or CT scans, they have been difficult to fully investigate and understand. Fortunately, there have been many important advances in our knowledge of concussions, including how to identify, manage, and recover from a concussion. Although concussions are often referred to as ‘mild traumatic head injuries’ and often resolve uneventfully, ALL concussions have the potential for serious and long-lasting symptoms and so must be treated carefully and in consultation with a physician.

What causes a concussion?

Concussions are brain injuries caused by the impact of the brain with the inside of the skull. The impact causes damage that changes how brain cells function, leading to symptoms that can be physical (headaches, dizziness), cognitive (problems remembering or concentrating), or emotional (feeling depressed). A concussion can result from a blow to the head or body in any number of activities including sports. The following link takes you to the Think First website: www.thinkfirst.ca


Feeling dazed
Seeing stars
Sensitivity to light
Ringing in ears
Nausea, vomiting
Confusion, disorientation


Poor balance or coordination
Slow or slurred speech
Poor concentration
Delayed responses to questions
Vacant stare
Decreased playing ability
Unusual emotions, personality change,
and inappropriate behaviour

How can a concussion be prevented?

Never check to the head
Hockey Canada adopted a new penalty for the 2002-03 season that is enforced at all levels of play within hockey in Canada. The penalty is checking to the head, and it was hoped that the enforcement of this rule would address and lead to the reduction of concussions in hockey at all levels of play within Hockey Canada.

Never hit from behind
Beginning with the 1985-86 season, Hockey Canada introduced a rule to eliminate checking from behind.  With the implementation of rules, prevention and awareness Hockey Canada will continue to decrease the number of concussions in the game. But it takes more than this, it takes cooperation from all involved including parents to continue to enforce respect and safety in the game.

Caution: All players should consult a physician when a concussion is suspected. Coaches, trainers/safety people, players and parents should
not attempt to treat a concussion without a physician’s involvement.

The return to play process is gradual, and begins after a doctor has given the player clearance to return to activity. If any symptoms/signs return during this process, the player must be re-evaluated by a physician. No return to play if any symptoms or signs persist. Remember, symptoms may return later that day or the next, not necessarily when exercising.

Never return to play if symptoms persist.


For players:
•Make sure your helmet fits snugly and that the strap is fastened
•Get a custom fitted mouth guard
•Respect other players
•No hits to the head
•No hits from behind

Coach/Trainer/Safety Person/Referee:
•Eliminate all checks to the head
•Eliminate all hits from behind
•Recognize symptoms and signs of concussion
•Inform and educate players about the risks of concussion


Contact Charla Strang


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Barrington Passage, NS

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