Shelburne County Minor Hockey Association Constitution

Article 1 – NAME

This Association shall be known as The Shelburne County Minor Hockey Association, hereinafter referred to as SCMHA.

We the SCMHA will lead in the development of the Life-Long skills of Sportsmanship, Skill Development, and Respect for fellow Players, Parents, Coaches and Officials.
Article 3 – TEAM COLORS
The team colors for the SCMHA Rep Teams will be mainly white with red and black trim for home games and mainly black with red and white trim for away games.
Article 4 – EXECUTIVE
The association shall be governed by an executive consisting of a slate of officers who shall be elected for a period of one year commencing at the Annual Meeting. All officers of SCMHA may be elected for additional and consecutive terms subject to the approval of members at the Annual Meeting. To be eligible as a candidate for President, Treasurer, Development/Fair Play Coordinator (director position) or Secretary, a nominee must be an existing executive member or have previous served on the association executive.

The executive shall be as follows:
Vice President
Ice Schedular
Parent Concern Coordinator
Risk Management
Fundraising and Promotion Coordinator
Female Player Representative
Development Coordinator
Equipment Manager
Timbits Director
Novice Director
Atom Director
Peewee Director
Bantam Director
Midget Director

All executive officers shall be elected by the membership at each annual general meeting. A nominating committee shall be formed by the executive to provide a list, of one nominee for each elected position. Nominations shall also be given by providing a written or faxed request to the Secretary or Treasurer not less than 15 days prior to the annual meeting. No nominations will be accepted from the floor. A list of all nominated candidates and notice of election shall be communicated to the membership not less than ten (10) days prior to the annual meeting. Voting at the annual meeting for executive officers shall be by secret ballot or ballots. To be declared elected a candidate must receive fifty (50) percent plus one vote of the ballots cast. If no candidate received the required number of votes on a ballot, the candidate with the fewest votes shall be eliminated and a further ballot held. This process shall continue until a winner is determined. The Nine directors will be elected by secret ballot with the top nine candidates receiving the most votes being elected from those nominated. Voting for elected positions shall be held in the following order:

Vice President
Ice Schedular
Parent Concern Coordinator
Risk Management
Fundraising and Promotion Coordinator
Female Player Representative
Development Coordinator
Equipment Manager

Article 6 – MEMBERSHIP
(a) SCMHA shall be a member of the Canadian Hockey Association (CHA), the Nova Scotia Hockey Association (NSHA), and the Nova Scotia Minor Hockey Council (NSMHC).

(b) Membership in SCMHA shall consist of persons elected or appointed to its Executive and Board of Directors, as well as registered team officials. Parents and guardians of registered players upon completion of the SCMHA registration form will hold valid membership until the next annual registration. Any member delinquent in their fees shall forfeit membership until full payment of fees.

(C) The Board reserves the right to revoke and refuse membership to any person whose behavior or actions are detrimental to the success, safety or enjoyment of the programs that the Association provides to its members.

Article 7 – BOUNDARIES

SCMHA shall include the resident of Shelburne County. Players may enter and leave the SCMHA boundaries only with prior approval of the Executive on an annual basis, and subject to approval of the NSMHC. 

Article 8 – AMENDMENTS

The Articles and By-Laws of SCMHA may be amended in the following manner: By Special Resolution passed by a majority of not less than three-fourths of the members of SCMHA entitled to vote, and as are present at any general meeting of which notice specifying the intention and purpose of the resolution as a special resolution has been duly given. Notice of motion to amend the Articles or By-Laws must be provided to the Secretary or Treasurer of the Association at least four (4) weeks prior to the General Meeting at which it is to be considered. Notice of the proposed amendment must be advertised in a local paper for the two (2) weeks prior to the meeting at which the motion is to be considered. 

Article 9 – MEETINGS
(a) Annual Meeting – An Annual Meeting of the membership shall be held during the last week of April each year to report on the past season activities, to elect officers, to propose future activities and to consider any other business properly brought forward.

(b) Executive Meeting – Executive meeting shall be held monthly and when necessary at the discretion of the President or upon written request by any four (4) member of the executive, submitted to the Secretary. Board members missing four (4) regularly scheduled meetings will removed as an executive member and not be eligible for the next term unless granted special circumstances for missed meetings by the President within 72 hours.

(c) General Meeting – The general meeting will be held in September.

(d) Special General Meeting – Special General Meetings may be held at any time with proper notification upon written request provided to the secretary by ten (10) members.

(e) Request and Notification – Requests for Special General Meetings must specify the reason for the meeting and only that matter shall be considered at the subsequent Special General Meeting. Notification of Special General Meetings and the Annual Meeting must be given on the website. Notice of executive meetings must be given to executive members at least 7 full days prior to any meeting. Notification of the annual meeting must be posted to all members.

(f) Voting Procedures – Annual and Special General Meetings –
1. Each member shall have one vote. Members must be present to vote. There shall be no proxy notes.
2. Simple majority shall decide all resolutions except special resolutions described in Article 7.
3. Officers shall be elected by secret ballot.
4. At the discretion of the executive voting on controversial issues may be by secret ballot.
Executive Meetings-
5. Each executive member except the President has one vote and is entitled to vote on all resolutions except where a conflict of interest is declared.
6. Members must be present to vote. There shall be no proxy votes.
7. Simple majority shall determine the passing of a resolution.
8. The President shall cast all tie-breaking votes.

(h) Board members are not allowed to vote on matters in divisions that their child/children are registered in, avoiding a “Conflict of Interest”.

Article 10 – QUORUM

Annual and Special General Meetings – A quorum shall be those members in attendance provided proof of proper notification is provided to the meeting by the Secretary. 
Executive Meetings – A quorum shall be 50% of current Board members (filled positions). 


Officers of SCMHA may be removed from office by a simple majority vote of the members at a Special General Meeting duly convened for that purpose. The officer whose removal is proposed shall be provided written notice two (2) weeks prior to the Special General Meeting considering such removal, together with the reasons for such removal. The officer whose removal is proposed shall be temporarily suspended from office upon receiving notice of the Special General Meeting in writing and until the matter is decided at the Special General Meeting. 
Any officer shall be removed from office if they do not attend three consecutive meetings without proper notification and reason. 
Officers removed from office shall be provided written notice together with the reasons for removal with then (10) days of the conclusion of the Special General Meeting. 
Any officer removed from office may appeal the decision of SCMHA to the NSMHC. 


At the discretion of the Minor Hockey Association and with approval of Hockey Nova Scotia Minor Council, a highly skilled player may be placed in the above division with the consent of the parent(s) or guardians. For any movement of players the following process must be followed:

  1. Parents of the player to be considered for advancement must apply in writing to Shelburne County Minor Hockey Association, by September 5th, to request that the player be considered for advancement.
  2. If the Member Minor Hockey Association decides to continue such a request, it must form an evaluation committee of not less than 3 members. Committee members must be fully certified to coach as per, Hockey Nova Scotia Regulation 8, Certification Requirements‟, and who have at least three years’ experience in coaching. Committee members, being unbiased, shall not be associated in any way to the player. One member shall be the coach of the team to whom this player may advance.
  3. The approved committee shall evaluate the player in question to determine if the player possesses the skill and ability to compete at the higher level with a high probability of being amongst the top 3 players in the division. The committee shall also consider the social, physical and skill development impact upon the player before making such a decision. The committee shall submit its‟ findings and recommendation in writing to Shelburne County Minor Hockey Association. If the Minor Hockey Association finds that the circumstances of such a request are warranted, the Minor Hockey Association President shall submit the findings and recommendation to the Regional Director for written approval.
  4. Minor Hockey Associations must ensure that once the player is advanced that they are not released back to a lower category team.
Article 13 – On-Ice Helpers Policy

Any on-ice helpers must be a currently registered member of Hockey Nova Scotia / Hockey Canada. Only Pee Wee and above-aged players are permitted as on-ice helpers. All on-ice helpers must wear a CSA certified helmet with chin strap fastened and appropriate face protection. On ice, helpers must obtain coaches’ approval to assist prior to each session and must be under the direct supervision of the coach. 

Article 14 – GENERAL

Any items that conflict with the CHA, HNS, or the NSMHC are considered null and void and the aforementioned regulations will take place. The SCMHA shall be run in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order. 

The Handbook of Policy and Procedures



This handbook has been prepared by the Shelburne County Minor Hockey Association to be used as a guide to SCMHA Executive in the management and delivery of the Minor Hockey Program in Shelburne County.

It should be noted that the Shelburne County Minor Hockey Association is a member of the Nova Scotia Minor Hockey Council (NSMHC) and MUST follow various regulation; policies and procedures as defined by the NSMHC. This handbook has been developed to address the various policies and procedures that are specific to the SCMHA and in no way is to be confused with the NSMHC “Handbook of Compliance.”

This SCMHA Handbook shall be updated yearly and be made available upon request to any person with a vested interest in the SCMHA program. This includes parents or guardians, players, officials, etc.

Any Motion that is passed by the executive on policies and/or procedures should be incorporated into the handbook at the next update.

  1. The registration fee for all players in the SCMHA shall be as described:

      1. First Year $250

      2. Initiation II & III $450

      3. Novice $450

      4. Atom $475

      5. Peewee $505

      6. Bantam $505

      7. Midget $750 (includes $200 prepaid 50/50 tickets)

Included in this amount is a $50 non-refundable fundraising fee. Any family registering two or more children will receive a $50 discount on the younger child/children’s registration. Except for children in the Initiation I level.

  1. The Registrar will be responsible for co-ordination the annual “registration” weekend including the ordering of all the pertinent forms.

  2. All registration inquires after the “registration” weekend should be forwarded to the Registrar to ensure consistency in addressing the inquiries. Any player not registering by the final registration date will be placed on a waiting list and will only be placed on a team if needed.

  3. In order to register, a child must have reached the age of four (4) by December 31 of the current hockey season. As an example, for a child to register for the 2016-2017 hockey season the child must be at least 4 years of age on or before December 31, 2016.

  4. A Child may only register in one group within any division.

  5. All minor hockey players must be registered in the appropriate group according to their ages. Any player wanting to play in a group or level either above or below their age level must be evaluated by evaluators elected by SCMHA. Parents must fill out request form. SCMHA President will forward the request and the evaluations to SCMHA Regional Director. Decision will be made by HNS.

  6. If a minor hockey player withdraws from the SCMHA program the following procedures are to be followed:

  • For “rep” team players that attend tryouts for the first “rep” team and then decide not to play – 70% refund

  • Within 30 days from the start of the program – 80%

  • Between 30 – 60 days – 50 % refund

  • Between 60 – 90 days – 25% refund

  • Greater than 90 days – No refund

  • NO refund for any 1st year players

Note: The “start of the program” is defined as the first day of minor hockey after the completion of the fall hockey school. The start date of the program if no hockey school is held will be determined by SCMHA. No “fundraising” fees shall be included in the refund.

  1. If a SCMHA player wishes to be released from the association, the release will be granted by the President of the Association for the following reasons;

  • If the SCMHA does not offer a particular program and the player has the opportunity to play in that program AAA Midget, Minor Jr., etc)

  • If the player moves from Shelburne County to another residence under the jurisdiction of another Association.


1. The “Initiation” Division shall be comprised of players aged 4, 5 & 6, divided into three or more groups based upon abilities, size, etc by the Division Director.

2. The “Novice” Division shall be comprised of players aged 7 & 8.

3. The “Atom” Division shall be comprised of players aged 9 & 10.

4. The “Peewee” Division shall be comprised of players aged 11 & 12.

5. The “Bantam” Division shall be comprised of players aged 13 & 14.

6. The “Midget” Division shall be comprised of players aged 15, 16 & 17.

7. The SCMHA in its endeavour to promote female participation shall have hockey for females of Peewee age and above if the registrants show enough interest. For Atom age and below the SCMHA will encourage females to play in the regular program.

8. It shall be the intent of the SCMHA to ensure that all coaches (Rep and House) adopt the “Player Development Curriculum” provided by SCMHA. The coach at each respective level of hockey shall review the Development Workbook circulated by SCMHA and plan their practice and game strategies according to the information provided in the Development Workbook.

9. Initiation and Novice Levels: The coach shall be encouraged to use the online lessons, drills and plans provided through HNS. These lessons, drills and plans are provided to coaches in the form of a card with online access after completion of training.

10. Atom Level: The coach shall be encouraged to use the online lessons, drills and plans provided through HNS. These lessons, drills and plans are provided to coaches in the form of a card with online access after completion of training.

11. Peewee level: The coach shall be encouraged to use the online lessons, drills and plans provided through HNS. These lessons, drills and plans are provided to coaches in the form of a card with online access after completion of training.

12. Bantam/ Midget Levels: The coach shall be encouraged to use the online lessons, drills and plans provided through HNS. These lessons, drills and plans are provided to coaches in the form of a card with online access after completion of training. Players in A or AA divisions will be required to take a Checking Clinic provided by SCMHA.

13. All Coaches at all levels must take the coaching level course offered by the HNS at the first available opportunity.

14. A Division Director cannot serve as a coach or assistant coach within his or her division. Division Directors cannot direct in a division in which their own child is playing.


1. The SCMHA shall advertise via the local media for all “Rep” team coaches. The Executive will decide on the successful candidates based on the coaches’ selection guidelines provided by the HNSMC.

2. All Rep coaches are to ensure all players on their respective teams receive “equitable” playing time over the course of the season except in tournament play, provincial play downs and/or playoffs.

3. All monies remaining in the “Rep”team’s account at the completion of the season must be re-distributed to the parents/guardians who had previously “fund-raised” to help secure the funds initially. This does not include any registration fees. Registration fees will be used by the team, no monies will be refunded to a team not using all of their registration money.

Team treasurer is required to provide, to their team and the SCMHA Board, a detailed financial report twice/year (end of December and at the end of the season – to be handed in by annual meeting in April).

4. Each Rep Team due to the additional costs incurred by the SCMHA shall pay the entire costs associated with operating the team. (Ice time, timekeepers, officials, insurance, first aid kits, pucks, tournaments and any other expenses incurred by the teams as decided by the minor hockey board.)


1. The coach will report to the Division Director of the respective level.

2. The Coach will keep SCMHA informed of the progress or regress of his/her team by communication with the Division Director.

3. The coach and the Division Director should work with the Development coordination and review and suggest new strategies in the development of his/her players.

4. The Coach will continue to upgrade and/or review his/her coaching levels.

5. The Coach will respect the right of the individual hockey players and provide a positive image to the players.

6. The coach, at the Bantam and Midget levels, shall involve the players in goal settings and game strategies.

7. The coach shall keep player sand parents informed of upcoming games or events and any concerns that may arise.

8. The Coach shall follow the guidelines for Development of Hockey Players as outlined by the HNS/HC and adopted by SCMHA.

9. The coach shall follow the “Fair Play Program” as adopted by SCMHA.

10. CSA approved helmets will be required for all coaches and players on the ice during games, practices or other events sanctioned by minor hockey for the entire hockey season.

12. SCMHA will supply coaches with 20 pucks at the beginning of each season and these are to be returned at the end of the season for non-rep teams. If pucks are lost, the coach is responsible for replacing them. Rep teams will be charged for the pucks that are issued to them: therefore, the coach is not responsible for their replacement.

13. All Coaches will be required to have a Police Records Check and child Abuse Registry check performed.


1. The SCMHA shall follow the Nova Scotia Minor Hockey Council “Code of Discipline” for all infractions that are called by the Officials. When an infraction does occur the following actions should be taken:

– Official informs the Coach of the player involved in the infraction

– Official writes up an “incidents” report and forwards to HNS.

– Coach of the “ejected” player informs the Division Director who in turn informs the President/board.

– The Nova Scotia Minor Hockey Council e-mails a copy of the suspension to the SCMHA the President ASAP

– The Division director will be informed by the President of what the suspension is and the length of the suspension

– The President then informs the Coach of the length of the suspension who in turn relays the information to the player and parent/guardian.

– If there are any discrepancies between the lengths of the suspension given by the SCMHA and the HNS the later will be the final decision.

2. All off-ice problems will be dealt with in the following manner (except when there is a discrepancy with NSMHC policies that we must follow):

– Verbal abuse of Coach by any player

– fighting between players off ice

-physical abuse of Coach by Player

– Destruction of property

1st occurrence – Warning by the Coach

2nd Occurrence – One (1) Game Suspension

3rd Occurrence – Written report to be forwarded to the Division Director who shall bring it to the attention of the Executive for the appropriate action.

Note: In the case of “destruction of Property”, the Arena Staff shall be notified if the property is part of the Barrington Arena.

All Team Officials must wear CSA Approved hockey helmets for any/all on-ice sessions.

Failure to comply will result in the following disciplinary action:

1st offence – Warning by letter

2nd offence – Two (2) Game Suspension

3rd offence – Expulsion – Suspension – Hearing


All teams and participants have a responsibility to project a positive image of the team, our Association and Minor Hockey.

At all times the public image of the SCMHA membership conduct and appearance must be above reproach.

Parents and players will be expected to fund-raise to meet team expenses.

1. Direct public support can be requested through activities such as candy sales, car washes, the SCMHA 50/50 draws, etc. Provided that they are in good taste.

2. All fundraising programs must be well supervised and controlled.

3. Fundraising programs should be carried out within our Association boundaries.

4. All plans for team fundraising must be discussed and approved at a team meeting. The SCMHA Executive has the right to verify amounts raised and refuse fundraising events.

5. The team fundraising representative is responsible for ensuring the Association guidelines are followed.

6. Teams may plan, budget and fundraise only for the following purposes included:

a. Tournament team registration fees

b. Team hockey socks, one away and one home set.

c. The cost of hotel/motel room or rooms for coaching staff at any away games or tournaments if they are not parents of players on the team.

d. Additional ice time

e. Referees for exhibition games

f. Other team expenses such as faxes, phone calls and correspondence

g. Fundraising for any other items not mentioned above must be approved by the SCMHA Executive.

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